financing of investments

financing of investments
финансирование капиталовложений

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "financing of investments" в других словарях:

  • Investments — As a discipline, the study of financial securities, such as stocks and bonds, from the investor s viewpoint. This area deals with the firm s financing decision, but from the other side of the transaction. The New York Times Financial Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • Right-financing — The concept of right financing was coined by English political economist Dr. Peter Middlebrook to highlight the importance of adopting the appropriate policy, institutional and financial support mechanisms to maximize sustainable returns on both… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuveen Investments — is a Chicago based private company in the asset management industry. Nuveen was founded in Chicago, Illinois in 1898 and was previously named The John Nuveen Co., after founder John Nuveen. Nuveen started in the municipal bond underwriting… …   Wikipedia

  • PACE Financing — PACE stands for Property Assessed Clean Energy. In areas with PACE legislation in place municipality governments offer a specific bond to investors and then turn around and loan the money to consumers and businesses to put towards an energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Temasek Holdings' investments — Main article: Temasek Holdings Temasek Holdings is an investment company owned by the government of Singapore. Confirmed Investments Finance Banking * DBS Group Holdings (28% as of 2008) * PT Bank Danamon Indonesia ( [… …   Wikipedia

  • Owner Financing — When a property buyer finances the purchase directly through the person or entity selling it. This often occurs when the prospective buyer cannot obtain funding through a conventional mortgage lender, or is unwilling to pay the prevailing market… …   Investment dictionary

  • Series A Financing — The first round of financing undergone for a new business venture after seed capital. Generally, this is the first time that company ownership is offered to external investors. Series A financing, may be provided in the form of preferred stock,… …   Investment dictionary

  • Asset Financing — Using balance sheet assets (such as accounts receivable, short term investments or inventory) to obtain a loan or borrow money the borrower provides a security interest in the assets to the lender. This differs from traditional financing methods …   Investment dictionary

  • Инвестиции — (Investment) Инвестиции это капитальные вложения для получения прибыли Виды инвестиций, инвестиционные проекты, инвестиции в фондовый рынок, инвестиции в России, инвестиции в мире, во что инвестировать? Содержание >>>>>>>>>> …   Энциклопедия инвестора

  • Венчур — (Venture) Формы организации венчура Венчурное финансирование и бизнес, внутренний и внешний венчур Содержание Содержание Раздел 1. и венчурное . Раздел 2. Венчурный бизнес. Раздел 3. Венчурные . Раздел 4. Внутренний и внешний венчур. Венчур… …   Энциклопедия инвестора

  • Сырьевые рынки — (Commodity markets) Понятие сырьевых рынков, оценка сырьевых рынков Информация о понятии сырьевых рынков, оценка сырьевых рынков Содержание Содержание Сырьевые XX века Оценка оторвались от фундаментальных основ Базовые и Продукция сельского… …   Энциклопедия инвестора

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